Thursday, February 2, 2012

Good Morning!

This day started out with Morning.  I don't really blame Morning, it can't help that it gets here first.  I just wish it wouldn't get here before every one's meds have kicked in.

Medications for treatment of ADHD/ADD are a controversial subject, as I'm well aware.  In our family, we don't argue with success.  If a child who is completely unable to write legibly suddenly writes several sentences within the lines on the day she starts medication, that is significant.  If a child who can't be contained within his own body and can't keep his clothing out of his mouth is able to raise his hand and wait to be called on from the day he starts medication, that is significant.  If an adult is able to sort through all the buzz going on inside and deal with issues one at a time, remember conversations that happened because of an increased ability to focus on others, and avoid irrational outbursts of temper - especially in this family - that is significant.

If you were counting, you can figure that's at least three people.  If those three people have to be getting ready for work and school at the same time in the morning, it's a Condition Red situation.  You know the sound effect in movies when the submarine is going to dive?  It's like that. You might think it's an exaggeration, but even the dogs lay low.  Weekend mornings are better because there are no deadlines, but still tense because some folks are too sensitive and others are too wild and crazy.

Making good progress on the vest for Dearest. Try Earl Grey
tea with sweetened vanilla cream for a variation of 'London Fog'.

Of course we work to make it better and some adjustments have helped, but the fact that breakfast must be eaten, teeth must be brushed, and buses must be boarded can't be changed.  Weekday mornings bring the requisite forty-five minutes of chaos and frenzy.  Makes me want to grab a cup of tea and my knitting just thinking about it!

1 comment:

  1. nice composition on the photo Farol :-) I think I'll go make a cuppa tea.
