That’s ridiculous. There is no way I would expect that my son would have a meltdown because his new ballet tights are a different brand and different fabric from those he’s been wearing for a year. Shouldn’t I, by now? No, in fact; that I can still be surprised is optimism, disguised as ignorance, but manifesting as belief that we are learning more positive and effective ways to deal with anxiety because there have been fewer and less dramatic meltdowns. I do find myself spotting the behavior earlier and realizing what it is; now if I can just skip the part where I say things that make him dig in his oppositional heels!
It was one of those days when I just needed to stop talking and let him wind down… Crisis averted. He will condescend to wear the tights as a back-up pair, and since there was only one pair available and he needs two, I promised we will definitely get the brand with which he is more comfortable. Boyo will get the tights he prefers, and I’ll try to remember, next time, to just put a sock in it! Now that would be unexpected! J
Wee tiny sock bookmark I knitted for Dearest |
nicely done. Love the bookmark, curious about the book :-)