Tuesday, January 31, 2012


You may be surprised to know that I am unqualified to assist with sixth grade math homework.  Last year, I was not qualified to help with fifth grade math homework.  So it has been, back through the years to third grade level math.  Although this is the opinion of only one person (as far as I know), it is the very person who happens to be in need of my assistance, incapable though I may be.

Some readers may recall I do have a bit of an anxiety issue when it comes to paper-and-pencil math.  Because of this, when helping anyone with homework, I like to check the book.  Chapter introductions help boost my confidence and reassure me that, at least according to the book, I am equal to the task.  Good to know, since it's only been a year ago that I went through sixth grade math homework with Girlie.  Have I 'topped out' in my math skills?  No, in fact, I happen to be doing just fine helping with seventh grade math homework, thank you very much :-)

Yes, there is a bit of tongue-in-cheek going on here.  My math challenges notwithstanding, Boyo's disrespectful attitude when it comes to homework is hard to deal with calmly, especially right after a piano lesson, where he sits with halo straight and shiny in deference to his instructor.  It does no good to point out that not only did I myself go through sixth grade math, I have also assisted three other children.

This is part of living with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD).  As the parent who spends the most time with Boyo, I am also the authority figure most often met with hostile, uncooperative behavior.  I've read enough to know how fortunate we are, because through Dearest and I working consistently with Boyo, we will get a conversation that includes an apology after most conflicts.  Sometimes he will interrupt the process to apologize and start over!  For that, even when it's hard, I'll be here for homework help.  Hang on a sec while I read the instructions...

A great photo of Boyo taken by Melinda, friend and fellow Ballet Mom, during the final dress rehearsal of The Nutcracker 2011.

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