Monday, January 23, 2012

Power Play

We were safe and warm during the snow and ice storms, because we have a propane fireplace. We didn't have the ability to use our water or flush our toilets, but at least one couldn't see one's breath inside the house, as was the case for so many other families. It meant we could make bottled water warm for cocoa, coffee, and oatmeal.  It meant we could hang damp clothes in front of the fire to dry. It meant we could knit and read stories of Riki Tiki Tavi and Mowgli by firelight almost as if there weren't huge snow- and ice-covered branches falling with cracks like gunshots all around the neighborhood, dragging more power lines down by the hour.

The kids managed better than expected, but I admit to letting the van run a few times solely for the purpose of charging video games.  It was sitting there snowed in, with a full tank of gas; I thought I could justify the unnecessary emissions in exchange for the time the kids could spend absorbed in their games, not worrying about anything else.

We have a lot to be thankful for; many homes in the area are still without power, and our outage was from Thursday morning 'til Sunday afternoon.  Time to get caught up with laundry and chores, and I'm sure there will be plenty of homework this afternoon!

Thick ice coated everything during the 'silver thaw'

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