Sunday, December 18, 2011

T is for...

Time out.

We all need one, occasionally.  Sometimes, no matter how carefully one tries to defuse a situation, the explosion happens.  Sometimes, none of the pleasant platitudes or wise words will help.  Sometimes, the best thing that can happen is to put one’s self in time out.  It can be a way to prevent things from degrading even further (because, yes, no matter how bad it looks, it could be worse) and ensuring the safety all concerned.

“But surely,” you may be thinking, “knitting is always your magic time out?”  No, in fact, sometimes even knitting isn’t enough.  Sometimes jumping up and down or walking really fast on the treadmill is the only thing that works, because with so much conflict and anger in this house I might be literally shaking with adrenaline.

This is honest.  This is what I would have wanted to read at times.  As much as I would like my public face to be the picture of perfect parenting, that ain’t happenin’.  This is what is real, and it’s what happens in families even if no one wants to talk about it.  Times like these are when I would go to the internet in desperation, looking for help, comfort, solace; anything to tell me I haven’t done everything in the entire world wrong.

If all you can do is go into a bedroom or bathroom for a minute or two and jump up and down, do it.  It will help.  I promise.  Your knitting will wait for you.

1 comment:

  1. What is, is.
    Every relationship is made of people with "special needs."
    I've been in just such an excitable/agitated mood myself, even if I think of myself and the other person as "neuro-normal."
    You're still a saint, for sharing when you think you're not. Thanks.
